

important initial parameters when creating new oracle database (19c)


The COMPATIBLE parameter determines the maximum level of compatibility between your database and previous versions of Oracle. The default value for this parameter is 19.0.0, which means that your database can use all of the new features in Oracle Database 19c. However, if you need to use features that were introduced in a previous version of Oracle, you can specify a lower compatibility level. For example, if you specify COMPATIBLE=12.2.0, then your database will be compatible with Oracle Database 12.2.0 and all previous versions.


The DATA_ENCRYPTION parameter controls whether or not data in your database is encrypted. The default value for this parameter is OFF, which means that data is not encrypted. However, you may want to encrypt your data if you are concerned about security. To encrypt data, set the DATA_ENCRYPTION parameter to ON.


The NLS_LANGUAGE parameter determines the default language for your database. This parameter controls the default collation, sort order, and character set for your database. The default value for this parameter is AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8, which means that the default collation is US_ENGLISH_CI_AS, the default sort order is BINARY, and the default character set is AL32UTF8.


The NLS_TERRITORY parameter determines the default territory for your database. This parameter controls the default format for dates, numbers, and currency. The default value for this parameter is AMERICA, which means that dates are formatted in the US style, numbers are formatted in the US style, and currency is formatted in US dollars.


The SGA_TARGET parameter specifies the maximum size of the system global area (SGA). The SGA is a memory area that is shared by all users of the database. The default value for this parameter is 4G. However, you may need to increase the value of this parameter if you have a large number of users or if you are using features that require a large amount of memory.


The PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter specifies the maximum size of the per-process memory area (PGA). The PGA is a memory area that is allocated to each user session. The default value for this parameter is 2G. However, you may need to increase the value of this parameter if you have a large number of users or if you are using features that require a large amount of memory.

These are just a few of the important initial parameters that you should set when creating a new Oracle Database 19c. For more information, please refer to the Oracle Database documentation.


The DB_NAME parameter specifies the name of your database. The name of your database must be unique within your Oracle installation.


The SID parameter specifies the system identifier for your database. The SID is a unique identifier for your database.


The INSTANCE_NUMBER parameter specifies the instance number for your database. The instance number is a number that identifies a specific instance of Oracle Database.


The PFILE parameter specifies the path to the initialization parameter file for your database. The initialization parameter file is a text file that contains the values for the initial parameters for your database.


The SPFILE parameter specifies the path to the server parameter file for your database. The server parameter file is a binary file that contains the values for the initial parameters for your database.


The MEMORY_TARGET parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory that can be used by the database server. The default value for the MEMORY_TARGET parameter is 4GB.


The UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter specifies the name of the undo tablespace for your database. The undo tablespace is used to store undo records, which are used to roll back transactions.


The LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE parameter specifies the log archive mode for your database. The log archive mode determines how Oracle Database manages redo logs.

The default value for the LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE parameter is ARCHIVELOG. This means that redo logs are archived to disk.


The RECOVERY_MODE parameter specifies the recovery mode for your database. The recovery mode determines how Oracle Database recovers from a system crash or media failure.

The default value for the RECOVERY_MODE parameter is NORECOVERY. This means that you cannot recover your database from a system crash or media failure.

Additional Tips

In addition to setting the initial parameters described above, there are a few other things that you can do to improve the performance, security, and functionality of your Oracle Database 19c.

  • Use a dedicated database server. If possible, you should use a dedicated server for your Oracle Database. This will ensure that the database has the resources it needs to perform well.
  • Keep your database up to date. Oracle regularly releases security patches and bug fixes for Oracle Database. It is important to apply these updates as soon as possible to protect your database from security vulnerabilities.
  • Use a backup and recovery solution. It is important to have a backup and recovery solution in place in case of a disaster. This will allow you to restore your database to a previous point in time if it is lost or corrupted.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Oracle Database 19c is running smoothly and securely.

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