

Oracle 19c Sharding: A New Way to Scale Your Database

Oracle 19c Sharding: A Powerful New Tool for Managing Large Data Sets

Oracle 19c Sharding is a new feature that allows you to partition your data across multiple Oracle Databases. This can significantly improve the performance and scalability of your applications, especially those that need to access large data sets.

Sharding works by dividing your data into shards, which are then distributed across multiple Oracle Databases. Shards can be based on any column in your data, and they can be of any size.

When an application queries a sharded table, the Oracle Database will automatically route the query to the shard that contains the data. This can significantly improve performance, because the query does not have to scan the entire table.

Sharding can also improve scalability, because you can add more shards as your data grows. This allows you to keep your application running smoothly, even as your data set grows.

Oracle 19c Sharding is a powerful new tool that can help you manage large data sets more effectively. If you are looking for a way to improve the performance and scalability of your applications, then you should consider using Oracle 19c Sharding.

Here are some of the benefits of using Oracle 19c Sharding:

  • Improved performance: Sharding can significantly improve the performance of queries that access large data sets. This is because the Oracle Database can route the query to the shard that contains the data, instead of scanning the entire table.
  • Increased scalability: Sharding can help you scale your applications as your data grows. This is because you can add more shards as your data set grows, without having to change your application code.
  • Simplified administration: Sharding can simplify the administration of large data sets. This is because the Oracle Database can manage the distribution of data across shards, and it can also handle failover and recovery.

If you are looking for a way to improve the performance, scalability, and administration of your applications, then you should consider using Oracle 19c Sharding.

Here are some of the resources that you can use to learn more about Oracle 19c Sharding:

  • Oracle 19c Sharding documentation: This documentation provides detailed information about Oracle 19c Sharding, including installation, configuration, and usage.
  • Oracle 19c Sharding tutorials: These tutorials provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform common tasks in Oracle 19c Sharding.
  • Oracle 19c Sharding forums: This forum is a good place to ask questions and get help from other Oracle 19c Sharding users.

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